Tomatoes on the vine ripening tomatoes gardening vegetable fruit red tomato Green tomato garden plants

Novice Nurseryman or Garden Guru, we have something for everyone!!

Whether you’re brand new to gardening, or you’re a proverbial pro, you no doubt want your garden to be the best it can be. Just as humans are unique, likewise, no two gardens are the same. Numerous factors shape each garden, each plant, and even each fruit or vegetable. Soil types, pH, drainage, water amounts, watering methods, fertilizers, temperatures, and even neighboring vegetation can all have an impact on shaping your garden. If you are a newbie to gardening, this can all seem a bit overwhelming, but have no fear! We have all sorts of tips and tricks to share with you! Be sure to checkout our blog for even more gardening and self-sufficiency tips!

Gardening in a water-scarce environment? Aren’t we all?!
Solution: Check out “Gardening Without Irrigation, or Without Much Anyway”

Whether you’re brand new to gardening, or a seasoned pro, you probably are well aware that plants, just like every living thing on earth, need water. 
What you may not realize, is that plants do not always have to get their water directly from above. 
Trust me, I was skeptical too when I came across the “water-wise” gardening method.  The method of not watering your garden seems crazy to say the least. 
However, the theory is, that with increased space, many garden plants could survive and even thrive on very little water. 
While the notion of gardening without much water seems impossible, after many seasons of failed crops in my arid and windy environment, well running dry, and three more wells, or more accurately, holes dug with no water found,  I decided it was worth a try. 
One…Last…Ditch…Effort to get my garden groove in this unforgiving climate. 
Much to my surprise, after many trials and errors, I too was able to significantly reduce my garden’s irrigation needs. 
If I can make this method of gardening work in the ‘dust bowl’, anyone can!  
“Gardening Without Irrigation: or Without Much, Anyway”, not only provides the science behind less irrigation but also lays out step-by-step, just how you can use less water in your garden too! 

This method is not just for the arid climate gardener either! 

lf-reliance, healthy eating, saving money on produce, or just a relaxing hobby, reducing your water usage in your garden can significantly benefit both the environment and your pocketbook! 
In fact, whether you water your garden with a well or a water company, by implementing the methods laid out in your download, you can expect a quick and significant return on the tiny investment for this book!  

Get your instant download now to learn: 

  • How to help your plants to need less water

  • How to use less water in your garden year-round!

  • How to utilize the minimal water method for the plants YOU grow.

    • This section is conveniently laid out with the plants listed alphabetically for quick reference!

  • Sample garden plans and much, much more!

By implementing the minimal irrigation method, you can save hundreds of dollars and thousands of gallons of water per year.  While saving water is priceless, this book will not cost you even what it would cost to water your garden utilizing traditional methods for even one month!  

Get your hands on this guide to gardening with less water today for only $17.

$17 is a small price to pay to keep your well from going dry in the long hot summers, or from your water bill skyrocketing by 1.5 to 2 or even more!
But if you grab your download today, you will also get a copy of my Gardening Journal template FREE!  

A gardening journal is a great way to keep track of what is going well, and more importantly, not so well in your garden.  Keeping a journal of what is working and what is not working is a perfect garden companion, allowing you to learn from failures, and repeat successes, resulting in a better garden year after year!  The gardening journal is a big help in garden improvement no matter what gardening method you use!  AND… it’s free today with your download.  Grab them both now and get to GRAND GARDENING!

Tomatoes on the vine ripening tomatoes gardening vegetable fruit red tomato Green tomato garden plants